We believe in the importance of going beyond traditional actions that address the humanitarian emergency to provide well-being and improve health and nutrition, especially for children and young people.
direct beneficiaries
indirect beneficiaries
Increase the self-agency capacity and resilience of 400 Venezuelan youth and their Colombian peers, as well as support them in the process of migratory mourning and the construction of a life project that allows them to project themselves into the future, through processes of group training, and individual psychosocial support.
400 young people improve their self-agency skills through group sessions to strengthen their life skills.
Participants sensitize their communities through the implementation of 20 actions that show the causes and consequences of the current migration of Venezuelan citizens to Colombia.
200 Venezuelan youths build a life project through individual psychosocial accompaniment sessions.
200 Venezuelan youth know psychosocial tools to deal with migratory grief to increase their capacity for resilience and self-agency.
We believe it is important to go beyond the traditional approaches to solving a humanitarian crisis, in order to improve the well being, health and nutrition among children and young people.