We believe in the importance of going beyond traditional actions that address the humanitarian emergency to provide well-being and improve health and nutrition, especially for children and young people.
direct beneficiaries
indirect beneficiaries
Provide daily feeding to 500 children from vulnerable populations.
Offer training and support to 30 mother cooks for income generation.
To train 20 artisan fishermen in fish processing and conservation techniques.
To reduce diseases resulting from inadequate food handling and/or preparation.
25.440 Meals served. 530 beneficiaries, of whom 500 are children, attend the program’s dining rooms daily.
More than 700 beneficiaries have Access to drinking wáter in the program’s dining rooms.
85% of the children showed significant advances in their nutritional status and 90% of the beneficiaries responded positively to the treatment with respect to the baseline.
We believe it is important to go beyond the traditional approaches to solving a humanitarian crisis, in order to improve the well being, health and nutrition among children and young people.